Back and Still Golden.
Some of the shows that I placed in Back on Track fit better in Back and Still Golden. Back on Track included My Name Is Earl,
We've also had two other shows return since that post, Eli Stone and 30 Rock.
Eli Stone is unquestionably in Back and Still Golden (and the closest show towards Triumphant Return, but I can't say that this season is far and above last season, merely just as freaking amazing, so only Sarah Connor is far and above it's previous heights and therefore the only show given a spot in Triumphant Return).
If I'd written this after the premiere of 30 Rock, I would have likely been a little negative, as the season premiere really wasn't that good, but last week's episode (the Oprah episode) was fantastic, so it will get placed in Back on Track after the poor premiere.
Now, I want to talk a little about Heroes as it is greatly disappointing me. If you aren't caught up and you still want to be, you probably shouldn't read on.
We can all agree that Season 2 of Heroes sucked. It just wasn't very interesting and that was near criminal based on the greatness that Season 1 had to offer. The total
Season 3 had Future Peter coming to get Present Peter to help him save the world. However, in the future, Future Peter is killed by Claire. This, of course, would be impossible as we know that Peter has Claire's healing ability and his body would heal itself and spit out the bullets (just like Sylar's body did after stealing Claire's power earlier in this very season). He could be killed momentarily, since the Haitian was there, but the second that the Haitian wasn't around Future Peter, his body would have healed itself.
The sad thing is, this is an easy fix. They should have beheaded Future Peter (or removed his brain, whichever) while the Haitian was still there and then he could have been killed. In fact, that's the only sure way to kill him, if his brain is incapacitated, his body can't heal itself. Shots to his chest would do nothing, however.
The show really pulled out all the stops last night in going for big plot holes. Last night we are told that after Gabriel Gray killed his first victim, he tried to kill himself and certainly didn't harm anyone else until HRG and Elle forced him back into it. This would have been fine if it had happened further back in the story line, but last night's episode told us it happened in between the pilot and the six months preceding with the ultimate end to the story line happening after Mohinder was in America (since HRG gets in the cab). The problem is, Sylar had killed Mohinder's father, plus enough people throughout the country at this point to have the FBI on him, and would have actually been in LA, not New York, because he had just killed Molly Walker's family. The timing completely disrupts acts that we already know have taken place.
Nathan tells his brother and soon after everyone that their father hadn't died of a heart attack as Peter thought, but actually had committed suicide. Then, this episode shows us that Nathan should have been under the impression that their father did have a heart attack. There was no way to conclude that Arthur Petrelli tried to commit suicide.
The show has been full of these types of mistakes from the beginning and they are only getting more and more blatant. Recently they fired some of the producers and new people have been brought in to run the show's second half this season, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep watching to see if it gets any better. The show has such amazing potential, and yet it infuriates me by not sticking to its own rules. I wish that it would at least try to remain true to itself, but there is no indication that it will.
Until Next Time, LOST's start date has been announced for the new season, Jan 21st. It can't come soon enough.
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